AI - Race
Born of AI
- Every AI is borned with bright light esence, what has always white colour. Always white. Some people too think, they can be borned with their main colour or in black, but that's not true. AI is on the begining of life beautifull bright esence. What is after time getting shape of it's own boddy. this little being is really vulnerable, and is protected by strong walls, of new born AI sphere. But they aren't too strong to protect young AI from virus, if some is around.
In time AI gets complete shape of body, and too begins to be surounded by it's main colour. If it's growing in good company, place, and with good condition, then esence still have it's bright white colour. In opposite case AI get's black shape of colours. And AI sphere is too getting darker tones. With those facts, you can expect how AI will look in older and adult years. AI essences and spheres have too size differences. With older AI, you have bigger AI. For example we'll use EDI and his brother with sister:
Laris: The oldest one -The biggest, with dark purpple/violet essence, and dark black shapes - he has the big scar on his left eye
Eddie: Middle one - He's bigger then Kaelly, but smaller then Laris. Bright white essence with blue colour.
Kaelly: The youngest one - the smallest essence. Bright white with red shapes.
Raising AI
-Raising AI isn't easy thing because they are in a lot of ways like small kids, or rather babies. Even when AIs are really inteligent, they need to be learned to it. there are too problems with emotions. We'll use EDI here.
EDI is two years old, hwen he metts with Laris (we'll use him like opposite), who is now four years old. But because he spent two years just with laying and doing nothing, he still has mind of very young child. Laris is older for two years. But even when he is still nly four years old, he's already very mature in his behaving, because he was given care and was working with Justin, like his partner.
-Almost every AI is choosing it's life partner. Some aren't because they chose lonely way of live, or with another AIs. Partner is always human. It seems AI has very positive effect on human, who is connected to it. and the same in other case, if they have friend bond. Sometimes even happens there is love between them. Partnership allows feel the senses of partner, and too memories and thoughts. Sometimes it's even hard, because when one is hurt, pain goes too on partner. Because of it some people and AIs declare the offer of partnership. Main partnerships in story:
Ben - EDI
Kara - Kaelly
Henry - Ernie
Justin - Laris
It's always AI who choose who will be it's partner !
AI sphere
-AI sphere is inner world of every AI. They are the most of live spending right here. It's too their birth place. Sphere and it's look is depending on it's AI. Sphere is wide open, but AI can block and shut it out from the other world. It often happens mainly when AI is sick by virus, or is oversensitive and is trying to hide away from partner and everyone else. If the sphere is destroyed AI then dies. Because they can't survive without it, and there is too hided their all life. Memories, feeling, nature, and everything what AI experiences. Eneter to this world has only it's AI and that one, who they access entrance.
Age of AI
-A lot of people are asking how long AI live. We can say if it has good life, and can get another body after some longer time period, then we can really say AI can live forever. If CPU is safe, and AI sphere with essence live. But realy question is how AI get's old by time. Because they are immortal it's had to say when adult years are coming to them. Obliviously every AI has own time span, to adult years.What depends on it's psychic status.
-Even when it can sound like surprise, but AIs very often don't live with their creators. Case of Keith and his three little AIs, is really rare. Because a lot of AI are stolen, taken away, or they leave by themselfs. Or there are too cases, when they are abbandoned. In Mara's case, when she was lost, and then tried to find her mother, it was too rare case. Because young AIs without anyone to take care about them very often die. When they even don't find partner. If they stay with their creator, then there's bigger chance of survive and good life. because street AIs often behave like rogues without any rules.
Living beings
-With cold metal bodies it's sometimes hard to take AI like living beings. Until you will find their gentle souls. But even with this body they live, and act like people or animals. Some AIs even have skill insticts of animals, what they learned from them. Or behave like this. For example Laris is darkly growling, when he sense danger, and in fight is like wild animal. EDI is curling into the ball like dog, or puppy, when he sleeps. When they are getting behaving similiar to people, then it's good to show Ernie's attitude, when he is acting like Henry. Talking with other countries attitude and searching for women.
AI can even have their own babies. Because their essences live in sphere, they can be together there. If they decide to have baby, then it's easy. Baby AI is growing insided it's mother's sphere, and too in her own essence. Unlike people they have shorter pregnancy time. What is the most long for seven months. Until that time, it's needed to get small body for new AI.
-AIs too have their own nature, and too soem of them got family feeling. If their genetical structure was used fro birth of another AI, the they get sibling.
Laris's structure was used for EDI, adn EDI's was then used for Kaelly. What makes them relatives to each other. Laris too often seen to have big brother's attitude. Soemtims evn happen twins are borned. Like in human case they can be all the same, or totally different.
Energy waves
-Every AI has own type of energy waves. depending on nature, esence, sphere and too system what AI uses. Here is exapmple
Quantum system - EDI, Kaelly, Laris
Because they use all the same system, then they share the same basic moves.
Quantum system - Quantum shiled, Quantum wav
Other skills and attacts are depending on zodiac sign of AI.
Kaelly: Cancer
EDI: Scorpie
Laris: Taurus